Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lockdown Tales : Part 1

Police uses multi functional rescue and arrest device to arrest people defying restrictions read the newspaper which dated almost a week back.

My mom mocked saying police wouldn't be able to detain me as I would be too thin for the device.

"Why would I walk unnecessarily? " I asked my mom.

" I know you don't do unnecessary things. So here's what you have to do which is very necessary and that's purchasing grocery. " My mom handed me the bags.

I don't know what people have evolved to be during this lock down but I have definitely evolved to be the Kaanta Bai of the house.

Along with the list of groceries that I had to purchase I went to the nearby convenient store.

 कोरोना कत्तिको लागेको  ? ( How is the corona virus affecting you?) " one of my uncles asked me.

I wanted to tell him that I hadn't tested positive yet but I knew he wanted to ask how the corona virus outbreak was affecting my life. 

"Not much. I am still going to work. " I replied. 

 बहादुर हो मान्छे त (Brave) " he said.

Well the bir gurkhas have passed it onto me I wanted to answer but 
I changed my mind realizing  there are many more Bahadur people who dare to go on dates, morning walks and "hyaa bore laagyo (I am bored)" walks when people are dying of Corona virus worldwide.

“चिनी धेरै नहाल है चियामा तितो हुन्छ (Don't put too much sugar! It will ruin the taste) ” the shopkeeper shouted at the top of her voice. 

"अनि त्या पुलिस आको  कि छैन हेर है सर्टर लगाइ हाल्नु पर्छ ( And make sure the police isn't around we need to close down the shutters before they come around) " she yelled again bringing me back to reality.

There were days when we wanted to sleep days through and now that we have got days to sleep through it's getting tough. The experience of lock down is so different for all. Some are struggling to bond together some are struggling to tell their stomach not to growl. 

I don't know how the world will be after the COVID 19 comes to an end, what we will evolve to be. But the world won't be same and we won't be same either.

यो नेताहरुलाई सत्ता बाहेक केहि चाइदैन मध्यावदी चुनाब चाहियो रे ( The only thing all these leaders want is power. They want mid term elections in this situation)  " lamented an old man holding cigarette in between his puckered fingers.

 तपाईंलाई चाही कत्तिको लागेको  त कोरोना ? ( How is the corona virus affecting you) " I replied.

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